Charter a PTA / PTSA
An information meeting is held with the entire school community invited and shall include a representative from the Nebraska State PTA. One person in attendance should be appointed to take minutes of all organization meetings; including the charter meeting. Those present at the information meeting vote whether or not to proceed with the formation of a PTA at the site. If the vote is to form a PTA, a planning committee chairman is elected or appointed. The planning committee chairman and secretary serve until the conclusion of the chartering meeting. The planning committee chairman is the contact person from the school with the Nebraska State PTA officer who is assigned to assist with the formation of the PTA. Two committees are organized:
The Bylaws Committee has 3-5 members and will meet with either council or Nebraska State PTA representatives to help review the model bylaws and make decisions about the PTA to be formed. Some of the decisions to be made include:
Name of the unit;
Amount of dues for membership;
Months for association meetings; including the annual election meeting:
When officers and chairman begin the term of office;
Number of members to be elected to the nominating committee.
More than one meeting may be required.
The Nominating Committee has 3-5 members and will also meet with representatives from either the council or Nebraska State PTA. Their task is to recommend a slate of officers for the new PTA as outlined in the proposed bylaws. This committee will meet after the bylaws committee has decided which officers are needed. More than one meeting may be required.