Bylaws Alert – Did you know?
Your bylaws must reviewed, submitted and approved by Nebraska PTA every four (4) years.
All units reviewing their bylaws must use the newest template.
There are no co-officers that are accepted by National and Nebraska PTA.
To be in good standing according to the bylaws, you must submit your list of officers annually.
To be in good standing according to the bylaws, you must submit dues.
To be in good standing according to the bylaws, you must file your 990 report by November 15.
Nebraska PTA will be contacting you for any information not provided.
Nebraska PTA is here to help you get over any hurdles that you may encounter. Please help us and we will help you.
Any additional information needed contact us at
Thank you for all you do for the children of Nebraska!
Review/Approval Process:
Unit reviews the bylaws and makes any required and desired changes, including updating the template to use the latest available local unit template.
Unit sends the proposed bylaws to the Nebraska State PTA at for review and preliminary approval.
Bylaws Chair reviews the proposed bylaws and sends back feedback or requested changes to unit or approval if no changes needed within 5 business days.
Unit makes changes and re-sends to Nebraska State for review and preliminary approval.
Unit presents proposed bylaws for vote of approval at membership meeting.
Upon unit membership approval, unit enters the date of membership approval on the bylaws and emails new bylaws to for Nebraska State PTA approval.
Nebraska State PTA enters their approval date on the bylaws and scans and emails back to unit.
Unit uploads fully approved bylaws to hub in Memberhub with filename containing expiration date of four (4) years in the future.